“Turning her life into the fictional drama of being incarcerated with a young inmate, Sally Willis not only wrote a powerful script, but also acted truly dramatically.”
“The ‘knitting together’ of two lives and their search for mummy’s love – one at the age of 19, the other at 69, is a provocative piece of art and creation that challenges current thinking about what determines self, women, their sexuality, mothers and psychiatry.”
“Writing is superb! The play is not two ‘case studies’ put on stage: Suzie and Dot came to life as characters in their own right, far removed from the consulting room, and to put them together in a confined space at an equal level was a brilliantly creative idea. It’s a courageous play – no sense of being bound by ‘professional’ restraints. The intergenerational humour made for humanity, compassion, and hope, but did not obscure the pain and the tragedy of these lives.”
“A difficult subject was tackled with skill and showed an extraordinary depth of knowledge and sensitivity. Sally Willis displays extraordinary writing skills… one of those rare plays that opens up many avenues of thought and conversation.”